The libretto of this tragic opera which sees Norma as its protagonist was written by Felice Romani and inspired by Norma, ou L’infanticide (Norma, or The Infanticide) by Alexandre Soumet. Norma is one of the most acclaimed and beautiful operas by Vincenzo Bellini. While the more magical elements like the Fairy Godmother are replaced with terrestrial beings like Alidoro, who is a philosopher and is also the Prince’s tutor, and Cinderella is identified not by her glass slipper but by her bracelet. Rossini’s Cinderella is a little different from the fairy tale versions we all know well: the wicked stepmother is replaced by a wicked stepfather, Don Magnifico. La Cenerentola, which he completed in a period of three weeks, is considered to have some of his finest writing for solo voice and ensembles, though he did edit the work in the following years, with the 1820 bravura replacement, “La, del ciel nell’arcano profondo” becoming the standard repertoire since its premiere.

Rossini composed La Cenerentola when he was 25 years old, following the success of The Barber of Seville the year before.

The libretto was written by Jacopo Ferretti, based on the fairy tale Cendrillon by Charles Perrault. La Cenerentola, ossia La bontà in trionfo (Cinderella, or Goodness Triumphant) is an operatic dramma giocoso in two acts by Gioachino Rossini.